🇬🇧 Pfalzsport edition reports on golden badge of honor


🇬🇧 Pfalzsport edition reports on golden badge of honor

von | Di 17. September 2024

pfalzsport” is published every two months and is the members’ magazine and official organ of the sports association. Current topics such as tax law, tips for trainers, insurance issues, funding and subsidy opportunities as well as news from clubs and associations are published here. In the current Pfalzsport edition of the Sportbund Pfalz, the awarding of the golden badge of honor is mentioned! On July 14, Sportbund Vice President Walter Benz (right) honored Christian Wiederanders from Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido Limburgerhof with the Sportbund Gold Badge of Honor. Wiederanders is a founding member of the club and was the first chairman from 1991 to 2021. He has been a trainer for 33 years and is responsible for the introduction and implementation of numerous violence prevention courses. In 1998, he took over as President of the German Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido Kai and still holds this position today.

# To the current Pfalzsport edition


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