Japan – The land of the rising sun


TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com |   | Samurai


The land of the rising sun

Japan is an archipelago that stretches along the eastern edge of the Asian continent in an arc through the Pacific Ocean. The four main islands are: Honshu (arc-shaped in the middle), Hokkaido (in the north), Kyushu and Shikoku (in the south). The capital Tokyo is located in the middle of the largest island (Honshu). The famous cities of Kyoto and Hiroshima in the south and Fukushima in the north are also located on this island. Japan’s most famous mountain, Mount Fuji, lies to the southwest of Tokyo, barely three hours away by Shinkansen train.

Famous for their tropical climate and their role in the Second World War are the Okinawa Islands, far to the south, halfway to Taiwan.

Life and construction in Japan are characterized by the constant threat of earthquakes, often triggered by the 40 active volcanoes on the islands. The light paper walls and sliding doors are world-famous and are rarely found today in the mostly western-style houses.

Nowhere else can you see the contrast between tradition and modernity as strongly as in Kyoto, where the geishas make their way with shy smiles between the Kabuki Theater, business hotel and karaoke bar. As foreigners, we enjoy the hot onsen (hot water springs), marvel at unusual dishes with rice and raw fish and marvel at the family celebrations in spring during the Japanese cherry blossom season.

Further information currently only in German:

  • Geography of Japan
  • History of Japan
  • Life and living in Japan
  • Japanese culture and society
  • School and work in Japan
  • Art and sport in Japan
  • Japanese writing and language
  • Religions in Japan
  • Japanese system of citizenship
  • Economy and politics in Japan
  • Himeji Castle


Saiko Shihan Christian Wiederanders, 2010 Fuji

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