Five Pillars
Diversity in the martial art of Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido

Life philosophy
To live the seven virtues of the Samurai in training as well as outside of it, simplifies a respectful interaction with each other in daily life and within our society.

A healthy mind in a healthy body – with age-appropriate exercises, maintain or improve mobility and achieve a feeling for your body , which is reducing risk factors and improves well-being.

The best fight is the one you do not have to fight. Yet, a self-assured manner and assertiveness are a first step to be able to avert conflicts and master and withstand challenges in your daily life better.

Martial Art
Rediscover old ways, through traditional martial arts with and without weapons in the style of the Japanese Samurai. This is Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido – “The way of the Samurai in the style of the dragon”
The five elements
The grades and colours of belts in Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido are based on the five elements in the book “Gorin-no-sho” by Myamoto Musashi. Each colour represents a different element.

White to green
In the beginning you learn the basics in the element Earth (Chi). The earth is hard and therefore hard techniques are to be learned. The scholar learns to walk.

Green to blue
The second element is Water (Sui). Now the techniques become more fluent and softer. Water finds its way. By doing this, throwing techniques become essential.

Blue to brown
The element Fire (Ka) is hot and explosive. You learn to predict an attack of the opponent to sabotage the attack and attack first.

Brown to black
The element Wind (Fu) works with the energy of opponents to redirect it and use it against them, as well as familiarizing yourself with other martial arts.

The last element is the Void (Ku). It comprises nothing and everything at the same time. Nothing has to be, everything can be. Within those Principles is no beginning and no end.
The seven virtues of Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido
Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido is based on the code of conduct of “bushido” by Nitobe and is applicable in a dojo (gymnasium, school or house) as well as socially in modern times.
Gi (義): Integrity and Honesty
Integrity and honesty define the interaction of people, within training sessions and outside, as well as respect and tolerance towards all people, as well as their trainer and the martial art Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido.
Yu (勇): Courage
It often requires courage to do the right thing and thereby taking a more difficult way. Courage means also to give the best even if the goal seems impossible to reach.
Jin (仁): Benevolence
Primarily benevolence means to let everyone be happy in their own way, if they don’t harm others in doing so.
Rei (礼): Courtesy
Courtesy applies to manners like hygiene, punctuality, appropriate and required clothing, an overall orderliness and a proper behaviour. Courtesy expresses the respect towards other people.
Makoto (誠) or Shin (真): Honestly
For a Samurai, lying was not a sin it was worse, they deemed it a weakness. Truth/veracity means not only to tell the truth to others, but also to be honest to one self.
Meiyo (名誉): Honour
Honour is shown in the appreciation of the obligations and privileges of people. To act with honour, courage is needed.
Chū (忠): Duty and faith also Chūgi (忠義): Loyalty
Duty and loyalty demand that the well-being of the community ranks higher than that of one individual. Loyalty stands for not acting against honour and tradition of the martial art and to uphold their etiquette.
Every system achieves its value and appreciation from outside. This is also true for Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido.
“Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido is externally recognised and has received several awards”
- Self Defence Master belt of honour
- Guinness Book of Records
- Iron Sportsman Awards
- Golden Mask
- Sportjugend-Pfalz special prize
- Dietmar Hopp Foundation
- Palatinate Prize Sports club 2020
- Silver badge of honour
- Musha-shugyō – Samurai warrior
“Well trained and nationally recognised certified”
- DOSB trainer certificate
- DOSB Trainer B Sport in Prevention (5 profiles)
- DOSB trainer C
- DOSB Youth Leader
- DOSB club manager C+B
- IHK trainer certificate
- IHK Project Manager
- IHK Train the trainer
- Burnout and stress coach
- Nutrition counsellor A Plus
- Nutrition Consultant Nutrition Coach
- BlazePods – FRX Trainer
- AROHA Intructor
- AHAB Aqua Fitness Trainer
- AHAB Nordic Walking Trainer
- AHAB Yoga Trainer
- AHAB Kids Sports Trainer
- Fitness trainer A/B & personal trainer licence
- Certified specialist practitioner for massage, wellness & prevention (certificate)
- ASG Fitness Trainer C
Violence prevention trainer - Child protection officer
- Violence protection officer
- No power to drugs
“Good training and health-oriented martial arts highly recognised and awarded”
- Prevention seal of approval
- Sport Pro Health
- German standard prevention
- Child- & youth-friendly sports club
- Dementia partner
- Sport & Wellness Academy Via Vita certified
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