Live – presence, online and hybrid offerings |   | Courses

Live – presence, online and hybrid offerings

Making a virtue out of necessity. Now also live video transmission in two or more clubs/schools at the same time

Individual, flexible and contemporary, even after the shutdown in mid-March 2020, Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido reacted immediately and simultaneously converted its face-to-face programme to online.

MARCH 2020: Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido did not just want to provide one-sided videos on YouTube or Facebook as an alternative or supplement to face-to-face classes, but we wanted to focus on the social components and psychological structure and pass on training LIVE, with personal features, seeing and talking to each other online. LIVE HYBRID TRAINING, a combination of online and face-to-face, was added in summer 2020. In 2020, TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO and its partners offered well over 200 LIVE ONLINE TRAININGS. Theory at home in the future too? Why not, saves time and petrol (:

SINCE OCTOBER 2023: No we have not stopped the idea and its implementation and are doing everything on site again, but we have even found new opportunities for exchange between different schools and clubs worldwide. With LIVE-HYBRID-DOJO, training is not simply transmitted home, but a live video connection is established between at least 2 clubs/schools. Meetings, general assemblies and theoretical training sessions also continue to take place online.

In addition, our qualified and certified trainers have been trained in 2D methods for online training and have gained numerous new experiences with positive implementations over time:

Types of LIVE:


„Ob jung oder alt, sportlich oder eher unsportlich, ob Präsenz oder Online, für jeden ist etwas dabei – Das Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido bietet eine Vielzahlt von Trainings & Events“



    „Indoor training“

    Classical training takes place in sports halls, our own dojo and classrooms. The main focus here is on teaching the basics. Indoor training can be offered all year round, regardless of the weather, if there are no school holidays (school sports halls)




    „Nature and forest training“

    Before Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido and its club were able to move indoors in the early 1990s, they trained exclusively and all year round in the great outdoors. In forest training, techniques are practised outdoors and strategic martial arts exercises are practised. This also includes survival training. To this day, certain nature and forest elements are part of the belt examination




    „Online, indoor, outdoor and open-air combined“

    Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido was one of the first to switch its LIVE-ONLINE-TRAINING training programme to video and audio for all participants in March 2020, and now the first outdoor training session started on 17 May 2020 in Limburgerhof. The special thing is that the online training continues in parallel. This means that everyone can continue to take part regardless of where they live and when. A total of up to 3 trainers are available for this. One looks after the participants in the outdoor training, one moderates for the online participants and explains the techniques and the third takes care of technology, video, sound and photos.




    „Live video transmission in two or more clubs/schools at the same time“

    The idea came about in October 2023 when people thought about how to carry out regular training over several thousand kilometres in some cases. The realisation here is that the participants go to their training sessions as usual. There is a TV or screen with a webcam that looks live into another club or school. The same happens on the other side. This means that training sessions can also be held without being on site in person. In some cases, assistants are available on site to provide support.




    „Training & events with audio & video“

    This intensive synchronised communication makes the difference between our live online training and the mostly passive webinar or one-sided videos. Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido uses Zoom Cloud Meeting & Webinar and Microsoft Teams. See and be seen successfully for over 300 trainings since March 2020.




    „Hygiene concept and distance regulation in the great outdoors“

    Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido outdoor training successfully started parallel to the online training on 17 May 2020: Halls closed, a pity, but not hopeless! Due to the COVID-19 regulation NR8, further training opportunities with a participant limit were now available in addition to online training.


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