Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido clothing and belt system



Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido clothing and belt system

Bringing tradition and modernity together

In Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido, traditionally prescribed clothing is worn. Beginners of the basic course without graduation wear black trousers with a neutral white T-shirt. Up to and including 7th kyu, a black budo suit with trousers (gi) is worn. From 6th kyu onwards, a black hakama (trouser skirt) and a haori (traditional jacket) in the colour of the respective title are worn. For adults, hakama and haori can be worn from the 8th kyu, but are not compulsory. A white shitagi (under jacket) or alternatively a black T-shirt can be worn underneath. The hakama is worn over the haori and additionally fastened with the respective Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido colour belt. The colours of the haori are

  • up to and including 2nd Dan = black
  • from 3rd up to and including 5th Dan = black
  • with red lapel from 6th Dan = red

The Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido coat of arms is worn over the left breast with the respective title labelling above it. The Haori has the red “Mon Tatsu” (dragon family crest) on both arms and the back. Children up to and including 7th kyu can wear a black suit without hakama.

For special training in nature and the forest, a camouflage suit with a corresponding camouflage belt with coloured central stripes is worn. Alternatively, a black suit with belt can be worn without hakama. The clothing to be worn is specified by the respective instructor before the training session. Only a black T-shirt is worn under the Gi jacket. Regardless of the training location and training session, the complete equipment, which is specified in a checklist, must be carried.

Individual and varied


Rediscovering old paths


The goal is the right path


Experience sport and culture without barriers


Entry also possible without prior knowledge


On the trail of the samurai


The kyu belts in Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido are labelled according to the elements of Gorin-no-sho. Adults begin their training with the 8th kyu and wear the white belt. The 7th kyu is marked with a black stripe at the end of the belt, as it is not the achievement of the next belt that is important, but the achievement of the next level of training. The 6th kyu is marked by a green belt. Hakama is now worn as standard. The 5th kyu is also symbolised by the black stripe on the green belt. The 4th is represented by the colour blue (3rd kyu blue with a black stripe). The brown belt is worn from the 2nd kyu, the 1st kyu is brown with a black stripe.


KIDS BELT: The simplified kids belt system applies to children up to the age of 14. In order to better cover the longer time span, children start with the 10th kyu and the white belt. As the element earth has a white base colour, the children’s belts are white with a coloured central stripe: yellow for 9th kyu, orange for 8th kyu and green for 7th kyu. From 6th kyu onwards, the student is no longer considered a child and the contents of the normal belt system are adapted.

Dan belts up to 4th Dan are marked with a black belt.

Accordingly, the Dan grade is embroidered on the belt as a red bar. The 3rd and 4th Dan are additionally marked by a red lapel on the haori. For the 5th and 6th Dan, a belt is worn in red and white, the 6th Dan is additionally marked by a red haori. For the 7th and 8th dan, a red and black belt is worn in addition to the red haori, while the 9th and 10th dan symbolise a belt completely in red.

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