🇬🇧 Golden badge of honour for Christian Wiederanders


🇬🇧 Golden badge of honour for Christian Wiederanders

von | Mo 15. Juli 2024

Fourteen days after the Health and Exercise Day, Christian Wiederanders was honoured retrospectively. During the helpers’ barbecue, Vice President Walter Benz from the Sportbund Pfalz honoured Christian Wiederanders for his 33 and a half years of service to the club and association. He particularly emphasised the fact that no one has ever been awarded the golden badge of honour who has held so many Sportbund training courses, namely a record-breaking 48, more than three times the normal average of those honoured. It should also be noted that the original club from Limburgerhof was founded in 1991, but only became a member in 2009. It has a total of 10 DOSB certifications in the areas of club manager, youth leader, exercise leader, health sport and instructor trainer. He also managed to bring the Sport-Pro-Health quality seal to Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido, as well as the German Standard Prevention quality seal. He also mentioned that Christian Wiederanders was the youngest candidate to be awarded the golden badge of honour. Once again, there were a number of people who were unfortunately absent for this exceptional honour. Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido congratulates Christian on this honour! Good luck now with the new (old) tasks!


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