32 Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido belt examinations in Sri Lanka


32 Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido belt examinations in Sri Lanka

von | Mi 29. Mai 2024

Most of the participants only started their Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido training three days ago, others have been training diligently for over 6 months and are now taking the belt test in Sri Lanka. 4 examiners plus main supervisor Saiko-Shihan Christian Wiederanders prepared the 32 belt examinations many days in advance. Based on their skills, either 8th Kyu (white), 7th Kyu (white2) or 6th Kyu (green) were awarded. In addition to the practical skills, the course also included theory about the samurai. After the lunch break on 26 May 2024, it was time to get down to business: 32 students wanted to take their entrance exam. Due to the different levels of knowledge and previous experience, a placement test was carried out. The candidates who achieved 6th kyu (green) in the preliminary examination were tested together again at the end. Of these, 16 participants achieved the 8th kyu, 9 participants the 7th kyu and 7 participants were awarded the 6th kyu (green belt). Afterwards, some participants were awarded medals for special training achievements.


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