A great end to the Samurai Camp in Sri Lanka


A great end to the Samurai Camp in Sri Lanka
TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com | Dienstag, Mai 28

The third and final day of the Samurai Camp on Sunday 26 May 2024 began with repetitions and in-depth training in unarmed and sword techniques. The participants were then able to practise diligently while three other TV stations sent their editors to the dojo for reporting. After the lunch break, it was time to get down to business: 32 students wanted to take their entrance exam. Due to the different levels of knowledge and previous experience, a placement test was carried out. Of these, 16 participants were awarded the 8th kyu, 9 participants the 7th kyu and 7 participants were awarded the 6th kyu (green belt). Afterwards, some participants were honoured with medals for special training achievements. At the end of the ceremony, there was a great rush of participants to the instructors, almost all of whom wanted to take a picture with the instructors as a souvenir. After the end of the camp, the speakers gathered in the restaurant of the Ramses Hotel for the closing ceremony. It was a great end to a great event!


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