🇬🇧 Successful entrance examination in Limburgerhof (Germany)


🇬🇧 Successful entrance examination in Limburgerhof (Germany)
TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com | Donnerstag, Jan. 23

On Wednesday, 22 January 2025, another exciting entrance examination for adult training took place at the Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido Dojo in Limburgerhof. In a festive ceremony, Olga Schäfer, who has been devoting herself to training with great commitment for some time, successfully passed her entrance exam. The ceremony was characterised by tradition and community spirit. Members of the club, aged 15 to 65, gathered to support Olga on this special occasion. She was awarded the black uniform and the white belt for the 8th kyu – a distinction that honours her skills and commitment. The entire Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido team is pleased to welcome Olga as a new member. We congratulate her on passing the entrance exam and look forward to the joint training sessions and successes that lie ahead of us.


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