🇬🇧 Self-protection for children – course in February 2025


🇬🇧 Self-protection for children – course in February 2025
TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com | Freitag, Jan. 03

Not with me – protect yourself from violence!’ is now a well-known name around Limburgerhof, and we are pleased to announce the next dates for our popular self-protection course. Even though it’s still February 2025, the first registrations were received months ago, as our courses are very popular. The upcoming course will take place on three Fridays in the Carl Bosch gym in Limburgerhof from 17:30 to 18:30. Half of the places are already taken, so don’t hesitate too long to register! This prevention, self-assertion and self-defence concept, which is recognised throughout Germany, is aimed specifically at children and young people. Our trained and licensed instructors have the necessary expertise and experience to teach participants the concept in an age-appropriate way. A further component of our quality assurance is the regular checking of the extended police clearance certificates of all course instructors. The aim of our programme is to help children to recognise dangers at an early stage, to assess dangerous situations and to be able to defend themselves in an emergency. With our violence prevention project, we want to help children and young people grow up to be self-confident and strong personalities. Please note: the next but one course will not take place until after the summer holidays in Limburgerhof. So make sure you secure a place on the course in February so that your child is as well prepared as possible for the challenges of everyday life. We look forward to numerous registrations and to making an important contribution to the safety of our children together with you!

Nicht-mit-mir Grundkurs NR33 startet am FR 07.02.2025 in Limburgerhof








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KURSTAGE: FR 07.02.2025; FR 14.02.2025 und FR 21.02.2025 in der CBS-Sporthalle

NIMI-G33 (Feb2025) noch freie Plätze von 20 Plätze

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Bedeckt 24° C 24° C | 24° C 6.85 m/s 88 % 1007 hPa


Klarer Himmel 25° C 25° C | 25° C 5.33 m/s 85 % 1009 hPa

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