🇬🇧 Challenges and opportunities in Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido 2025


🇬🇧 Challenges and opportunities in Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido 2025
TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com | Samstag, Dez. 28

As we approach the end of 2024 and the beginning of a new year, the 38th year of Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido, we look forward to the months ahead with anticipation and confidence. The year 2025 holds many exciting tasks in store for us, and there are numerous opportunities to further expand our network and our community.

Expansion of training locations in the Rhine-Neckar region: This year, we will be working more intensively on expanding our training locations in Germany. Locations such as Mutterstadt and Friedelsheim are our focus. However, reactivating and building further training centres is also part of our agenda. In order to realise this successfully, we are looking for volunteer coaches who would like to get involved and inspire others. Anyone who is interested is welcome to become part of our team!

Self-protection concept and children’s courses: Our self-protection concept remains an important concern, which we want to continue to promote across all age groups. The ‘Not with me! Protect yourself from violence’ will be continued. Sensei Timo Gartner will play a leading role here and contribute his knowledge and experience.

Activation of the demonstration teams: The demonstration teams will also be reactivated in 2025. In Germany, we are planning to form an A and B team as well as a children’s demonstration, for which Sensei Ho Fabian Birkle will be responsible. There will also be a demonstration team in Sri Lanka until March 2025, organised by Senpai Kaushalya Nirmana.

International expansion: International cooperation will also be further expanded, particularly in Sri Lanka. New neighbouring countries are to be trained primarily via the bases in Sri Lanka. To this end, the premises are being expanded and equipped with new tatami training mats, which we are able to support with donations from Germany. Another highlight will be the Samurai Camp in mid-March 2025, which will initiate new training locations in Sri Lanka. It remains to be seen where the camp will take place in 2026.

New training and examination guidelines: My personal focus is on developing new training and examination guidelines as well as coach qualifications that continue to meet DOSB standards. These guidelines will be applied both nationally and internationally and should significantly enrich training up to 4th Kyu grade (blue) in particular. Sensei Thorsten Klein will continue to travel around the schools in order to gather valuable impressions for high-quality training and to improve it. In the long term, I am also working on a textbook, which will take a few years to publish.

Support and outlook: As supporting the new locations abroad is time-consuming, I will be discontinuing the association’s work completely for the time being. Nevertheless, a new team will continue to be available and I look forward to any form of support.

I wish all members and interested parties a successful and fulfilling year 2025. Let’s tackle the challenges together and make the most of the opportunities ahead!

Saiko-Shihan Christian Wiederanders

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