🇬🇧 Limburgerhof starts training operations from 8 January


🇬🇧 Limburgerhof starts training operations from 8 January
TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com | Montag, Jan. 06

Here we go again and the 2025 training programme starts next Wednesday. Please note once again that there will be no New Year’s training course in Limburgerhof this year! The children’s group will remain the same with times from 17:30 to 18:25, as will the adult group from 18:40 to 20:00. All times continue to be held in the Carl-Bosch gymnastics hall in Limburgerhof (small hall on the right) For belt grades from 6th Kyu, trainers and participants in the trainer school, there is a free training session on Fridays between 5.45pm and 7.15pm! We kindly ask you to register online for the individual training sessions by 8 pm the day before. Fabian and Thorsten will then prepare the training schedule based on the participants. Please also fill in all fields (first name and surname). Further training sessions will be held in Mutterstadt (currently expected to be on Tuesdays) and Friedelsheim in the 1st quarter of 2025!

I’m new here, what should I know?

Before you become a member, you can test Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido free of charge, insured and without obligation for up to 4 weeks (standard 1 calendar month). To take part in training without a membership, we require a digitally completed taster card (non-binding and free trial membership). If you have not already done so, you can fill this out conveniently(https://tatsu-ryu-bushido.com/probemitgliedschaft/ ). You will receive a confirmation from @tatsu-ryu-bushido.com within 48 hours (please check your SPAM folder if necessary), as well as all important information about the trial and membership process. A membership contract is already attached here!

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Leichter Regen 30° C 30° C | 30° C 2.74 m/s 76 % 1007 hPa


Überwiegend bewölkt 31° C 31° C | 31° C 4.12 m/s 55 % 1010 hPa

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