🇬🇧 Self-protection for women basic compact course on 9 February 2025


🇬🇧 Self-protection for women basic compact course on 9 February 2025
TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com | Mittwoch, Jan. 08

Self-protection is a more holistic approach to dealing with conflict situations than self-assertion and self-defence, and on 9 February from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. there will now be the next opportunity to attend the Basic 1 and 2 courses in one day at the Carl-Bosch-Hallen in Limburgerhof. While self-defence only deals with the actual physical conflict, self-protection starts earlier, in prevention, and also deals significantly with the psychological aspect. In our Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido self-defence courses, we use these principles to prepare women mentally and practically for possible conflict situations of our time and to keep these exercises general enough to be as universally applicable as possible. Realistic scenarios are therefore practised. The traffic light principle is also used here. However, the colours ‘yellow’, ‘orange’ and ‘red’ are used here. The traditionally orientated martial art of Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido, the experience of its trainers and other disciplines are used for this purpose. In self-protection for women, Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido utilises inspiration and training methods from the self-protection system developed by Jim Wagner. Timo Gartner, who has been trained and certified in Jim Wagner’s Reality-Based Personal Protection (RBPP) alongside Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido for many years, will take over the technical management.

# To the date and registration: https://tatsu-ryu-bushido.com/termin/selbstschutz-frauen-basiskompaktkurs-so09022025/

# Registration for self-protection training: https://tatsu-ryu-bushido.com/termin/selbstschutztraining-frauen-so09022025/


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