🇬🇧 🇱🇰 Further good training with Sri Lanka


🇬🇧 🇱🇰 Further good training with Sri Lanka

von | Di 12. November 2024

On Sunday, 10 November 2024, another exciting online training session with Sri Lanka took place in the gymnastics hall of the Carl-Bosch-Schule Limburgerhof. This time, the focus was on short-stick techniques, while we prepared intensively for the upcoming Samurai Campin December.

Christian Wiederanders and Fabian Birkle guided the participants through detailed techniques, demonstrating them step by step. On the other side of the camera, in Ragama, our students were also busy practising and applying the techniques they had learned. It was impressive to see how the two groups – here and there – felt connected and progressed together despite the distance.

The anticipation for the Samurai Camp in December is now growing among everyone involved. It will be particularly exciting when Christian Wiederanders personally visits the dojo in Ragama and trains directly with the students on site. We are looking forward to the shared experiences and the knowledge that we can further deepen during this special camp. The interplay between theory and practice, between our local students and the dedicated participants in Sri Lanka, shows once again how valuable international cooperation is in the training context. We look forward to every single moment in December!


Bedeckt 27° C 27° C | 27° C 1.92 m/s 78 % 1012 hPa


Ein paar Wolken 25° C 25° C | 25° C 1.03 m/s 94 % 1011 hPa

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