🇬🇧 Sensei Thorsten supports Fabian during training in Limburgerhof


🇬🇧 Sensei Thorsten supports Fabian during training in Limburgerhof
TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com | Freitag, Okt. 18

Sensei Thorsten Klein, 4th Dan, started his training in Limburgerhof himself in 1992 and gained experience over many years, which he shares with other trainers. This will also be the case in the fourth quarter of 2024, when Thorsten will be supporting Sensei-Ho Fabian Birkle, 2nd Dan, in Limburgerhof. Fabian is looking forward to this Wednesday visit, where he can also broaden his horizons. A variety of methods has been a key to success for many years and brings variety to everyday life. Of course, students benefit from different trainers, characters and training sessions. It is also clear from this model that not everyone is equally enthusiastic about every trainer, but it was no different with teachers at school. But let’s be honest, after many years later after leaving school, you appreciated one or the other teacher that you didn’t think was so good at the time. Thorsten likes the wide range of students in different age groups and sporting abilities, as well as the good cooperation. In addition to supporting Fabian, Thorsten also gains impressions that could be important for trainer education and training. The further development of exam content and priorities is also playing an extremely important role in the student grades (Kyu). The German Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido Kai e.V. is proud that long-standing trainers such as Thorsten Klein, Timo Gartner and Andreas Gössel are getting involved and willing to pass on their knowledge.

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