Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido at the Vesakh in Sri Lanka


Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido at the Vesakh in Sri Lanka
TATSU-RYU-BUSHIDO.com | Dienstag, Mai 28

After a visit to the Blue Water Hotel in 2006, Christian Wiederanders contacted the hotel manager at the time. She invited the Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido training team to the Buddhist festival of Vesakh. Vesakh is the largest Buddhist festival in Asia, which is celebrated on the first full moon in Mai. On this day, the birth and death anniversaries of Buddha are celebrated simultaneously. On this holiday and the days following, which could be compared to our Christmas, free food is distributed to the poor on the streets. Of course, the coaching team didn’t need to be told twice. Once there, the team was greeted with a great Sri Lankan-style lunch and celebrated the reunion. They then visited the local temple, where the celebrations began with a church service. The Tatsu-Ryu training team helped to prepare the offerings for the needy. After the return journey, a visit was made to the Buddha temple in Kalutara in the evening, where many devout Buddhists were in attendance.


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