Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido back at the Sea Turtles project in Sri Lanka


Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido back at the Sea Turtles project in Sri Lanka

von | Mi 22. Mai 2024

The Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido coaching team with Christian Wiederanders, Sabina Nezirovic and Fabian Birkle have arrived in Sri Lanka. After settling in at the fantastic Hotel Royal Palms Beach in Kalatura, the first excursions were undertaken. They visited places where Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido was present during their first visit to Sri Lanka in 2006 and helped to repair the damage caused by the tsunami. These included a white house and hospital near Wadduwa, as well as the Sea Turtles Project near Bentota in Sri Lanka. The sea turtle farm Sea Turtles Project near Bentota, where Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido helped to rebuild in 2006 after the terrible tsunami disaster in 2004, was visited again. The owners of the farm were delighted to see them again. At the sea turtle sanctuary, turtles lay their eggs in a controlled manner on the farm grounds, which are then protected from predators until they hatch. The team of trainers was there when newborn baby turtles hatched and were transferred to a tank with hundreds of baby turtles. The Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido team was able to give 25 turtles the gift of freedom at the age of 2 days. The turtles were released on the beach and then crawled into the Indian Ocean. This operation took place in the rain, as there are no birds of prey flying in the rain that could eat the turtles beforehand. We also visited the Blue Water Hotel, which we moved into in 2006


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Überwiegend bewölkt 28° C 26° C | 28° C 7.32 m/s 84 % 1008 hPa


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