International Hybrid Dojo Training Germany – Sri Lanka

International Hybrid Dojo Training Germany – Sri Lanka

von | Mo 6. Mai 2024

On Sunday, 5 May 2024, the cooperation between Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido and the Sri Lanka Muay Thai Kick Boxing Federation continued. This time, the event was held completely online, with participants taking part in the video conference with a microphone and webcam. Renil Fernando from Sri Lanka reported on his many years of martial arts experience and shared impressions from Shotokan Karate and Muay Thai Kickboxing. He took the impressions from Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido with him to prepare his students for the belt examinations at the upcoming samurai camp in Sri Lanka. They then practised and explained fighting positions and then unarmed techniques: punches, strikes, kicks and blocking techniques. Tanbo (short stick) techniques were also demonstrated and discussed in preparation for the examination. The participants had the opportunity to take notes and ask questions. Possible examination scenarios and procedures were presented. Miyamoto Musashi describes in the book Wind (from the “Book of Five Rings”) that it is advantageous for practising martial artists to learn techniques from other disciplines. It is therefore important to keep an open mind and exchange ideas. In an emergency, a martial artist must use all the means at his disposal and not allow himself to be restricted.


Bedeckt 28° C 28° C | 28° C 4.92 m/s 82 % 1008 hPa


Ein paar Wolken 28° C 28° C | 28° C 5.14 m/s 57 % 1013 hPa

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