International online training exchange picks up speed

International online training exchange picks up speed | Montag, März 11

The mutual online training between Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido Limburgerhof e.V. and the Muay Thai Dojo in Sri Lanka is picking up speed. The students from Sri Lanka learn Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido basic techniques in hybrid training sessions. Sensei-Ho Fabian Birkle taught online techniques from the earth element such as basic stances, attack and block techniques, falling school and bokken techniques. Sri Lanka then took over the training on Sunday, 10 March 2024 and gave the Limburgerhof TRB participants sweat-inducing training sessions in Muay Thai. Sensei Timo Gartner, 3rd Dan, also took part here. He emphasised that an experienced trainer should always leave his trainer status behind and become a student again, as is customary in the dojo: the student learns from the master – and the master learns from the student! Whether you are a trial student or an experienced martial arts instructor, everyone is welcome to this extra session on Sundays. Fabian Birkle is travelling to Sri Lanka in May 2024 to further promote the exchange and expand Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido in Sri Lanka.

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