Samurai Camp in Sri Lanka successfully launched

Samurai Camp in Sri Lanka successfully launched

von | Mo 27. Mai 2024

The Tatsu-Ryu-Bushido coaching team was welcomed to the Sri Lanka dojo with great joy and anticipation. The students of Sensei Renil, Senpai Shenal and Senpai Kaushalya welcomed Saiko-Shihan Christian Wiederanders, Sensei-Ho Fabian Birkle and Sabina Nezirovic with a guard of honour. Sensei Renil Fernando opened the Samurai-Camp on Friday, 24 May 2024 at Ragama in the traditional Sri Lankan ceremony. Saiko-Shihan Christian Wiederanders and Sensei-Ho Fabian Birkle taught the curious and hard-working students about the element of earth. The warm-up kata were repeated in detail in the newly equipped adjoining room of the dojo, basic unarmed techniques were learnt and the bokken was practised diligently. On the very first day, two editors from two television stations were present to report on Sensei Renil’s new samurai martial arts system in Sri Lanka. Saiko-Shihan Christian Wiederanders, dojo leader Sensei Renil, as well as Senpai Shenal and Sensei Kaushalya were interviewed. Mixed with impressions from the training, these reports were broadcast in the sports news on television, including the largest TV channel in Sri Lanka.  After a sweat-inducing day of training in tropical humidity, there were many happy faces among the grateful students, who are looking forward to two more days.


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Bedeckt 28° C 28° C | 28° C 4.42 m/s 88 % 1009 hPa


Mäßig bewölkt 23° C 23° C | 23° C 4.67 m/s 83 % 1015 hPa

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